Hospitals across the country welcomed Christmas babies. According to the Gauteng Health MEC Nomantu Nkomo-Ralehoko, a total of 184 babies were born on Christmas day between midnight and noon in the provincial public hospitals. The Health MEC has congratulated the mothers of the newborns.
Nkomo-Ralehoko also reopened the newly renovated female medical ward at Tembisa Hospital, east of Joburg. Nkomo-Ralehoko said the ward includes improved oxygen and suction points, better ventilation, and an upgraded nurse call system. "But the second thing that we are doing in the educational programme that we don't want to forget. They must not lose their birth certificates because that's the road to wherever the area they want to go. The second issue is to make sure that they immunise their children, but sometimes parents do forget," she said.
The Department of Health in the North West Province reported the successful delivery of 102 babies in their public health facilities on Christmas Day, with all mothers in good and stable condition. The hospitals welcomed 56 males and 46 females.