October 25, 2022

A victim relives her ordeal at the hands of serial rapist and killer

Themba Dube is on trial for seven counts of murder, kidnapping and crime

A Limpopo woman who was raped and almost murdered by self-confessed serial rapist and killer says she still has flashbacks of the ordeal.Kedibone Segwale was raped by Zimbabwean national, Themba Dube, at knife point on October 12 last year in the bushes on the outskirts of Polokwane.    She said after putting a brave fight against the belligerent rapist, she managed to escape and lived to tell the story of her life-changing nightmare.


Although the incident happened a year ago, she said the smell of her assailant still lingers over her body. Dube has already confessed to kidnapping and murdering seven women ?" Sarah Mothiba, Eva Makhura, Mpho Senyatsi, Andrea Cholo, Jane Letsoalo, Moleboheng Mothibeli, from Lesotho and his Zimbabwean compatriot Chisimango Gumbo. The women, desperate for work, believed the smooth talker whom they believed would change their lives for the better.

Some of Themba Dube's victims


Still reeling in shock, Kedibone described Themba as a man who appeared to be somebody else until he showed what he really was ?" a deadly monster. Kedibone said Themba was a convincing smooth talker when he promised her a job but he would later turn into a wild animal.  She said, "When he approached me and told me a family was looking for a domestic helper, I didn't think twice because I had been unemployed. He told me to wear a longer dress because the employers wouldn't be impressed with my short skirt.'


He led the way through the bushes telling her it was the shortest route but then they ended up in a scary place. When she told him that she was tired and couldn't carry on he got angry and drew a knife.Then he ordered her to undress. Kedibone added that: "He pushed me to the ground and raped me while holding the knife in his hand. After ejaculating he ordered me to remain on the ground because he wasn't finished. I told him my back was sore because of the rough surface and he threatened to stab me.'


Kedibone said she got up and picked up a rock and a stick, but the rapist told her he had killed someone a few days ago at the same spot and he would do the same to her. But Kedibone wasn't about to give up fighting for her life. She said "I charged at him. I whipped him with the stick and threw the rock at him. That's when he disappeared into the bushes and I fled the scene.'Kedibone said during the scuffle Temba ran away with her phone and ID.The alleged serial killer is currently on trial facing seven counts of kidnapping and murder, rape, defeating the ends of justice and contravention of immigration law by entering the country illegally.  

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