The police in Mpumalanga have arrested two suspects in connection with the torching of 51 Putco buses on Monday evening. The arrest of the pair, aged 29 and 37, comes after a group of armed individuals travelling in a white Toyota Quantum, a Mercedes Benz Vito minibus, and a Volkswagen Polo allegedly set fire to the buses.
SAPS spokesperson Brigadier Donald Mdhluli said the buses were torched on Monday at three Putco depots in Mpumalanga's Nkangala district. The suspects were apprehended on Tuesday evening following a coordinated effort by the team that was assembled under the leadership of the acting provincial commissioner of the SAPS in Mpumalanga, Major General Zeph Mkhwanazi,' said Mdhluli.
During the attack on the buses, two employees were injured, with one security guard sustaining a gunshot wound. "The injured man is currently receiving medical treatment at a local hospital. Another Putco employee sustained some injuries after being reportedly assaulted by the intruders. The suspects, who were wearing balaclavas and black clothing, also reportedly held the employees at gunpoint during the attack,' said Mdhluli. He added, " The formidable team did not disappoint, and during the arrest, one of the suspects was found in possession of a mobile phone belonging to one of the victims, as well as a magazine for a 9mm pistol without ammunition.'