September 20, 2024

Popular restaurant owner accused of not paying staff

Olwethu Hoyana is accused of exploiting his staff members

Popular club owner Olwethu Hoyana is accused of exploiting his staff members by not paying their salaries. Hoyana owns popular sports bars called OHmi Gin Bar in Hemingways in East London and OHmi Restro Bar in Rivonia, Sandton. It's alleged that he has not paid his workers in three months, leaving over 40 families without food.



Hoyana closed his East London establishment on 18 July and promised to pay his staff at the end of the same month, but that has never happened. According to a former staff member, Queen Mdau, waiters did not earn a basic salary; they solely depended on tips. "He stole our tips," said the former employee. Mdau said some of the staff members took the matter to the CCMA to try and force Hoyana to pay them. "On the 16th of September, I and other colleagues went to the CCMA to open a case against Mr. Hoyana. I have evidence with me. We haven't received a date for the hearing," she said. Another former employee,who did not want to be named because of fear of reprisals, told ZiMoja that times are tough and Hoyana is just relaxed about things. "We have families to feed and we stuck with him even though he wasn't deserving. We supported him and became patient even though he wasn't paying us." Mdau said the treatment was horrible and their former boss had no respect for them. "He treated us like crap but we were patient with him because there are no jobs. We just want our salaries. The channels we already went through are failing us. We are waiting for our three-month salaries owed to us." Hoyana is also accused of living his best life in Johannesburg, yet his former staff members continue to suffer financially. They made it clear that they are tired of suffering in silence. 




Part of the allegations levelled against Hoyana was that he deducted 10% from tips to pay his kitchen staff, R200 for breakages, and he deducted close to R1 000 as PAYE." He allegedly assaulted a male waiter over an upaid bill he authorised, fired him and never repaid R8 000 owed to the former waiter. He allegedly fired a waitress for defending herself against sexual harassment by a customer and deducted R5 000 from her salary for an unpaid bill he himself authorised. The customer then later settled the bill, and Hoyana took that money and never reimbursed the waitress. "We have evidence as proof of payment from the customer and conversations between Olwethu Hoyana and the waiter," the former employee said. The employees also accused their former boss of bringing muthi for them to mop the establishment with. 


Hoyana responded via a statement citing that he is aware of the social media rumours and he will deal with them when time is right.

"I note the recent attacks on me personally and my business over the past few days on various social media," he said in the statement.

He said the attack stems from the unfortunate closure of OHmi Gin Bar in East London. "Without dwelling on specifics and the harsh public commentary ignited by one Queen Mdau. I wish to highlight that we have never had such an individual in our employ. I am also not going deal with each and every allegation made by Mdau and my not doing so should not be construed to be an admission to the allegations,' he said. He added that that closing a business is not nice. "With that being said, no one opens and builds a business only to close it. The facts are that the business over a very extended period could not meet its operational costs. This is due to a number of factors, with the main being a terribly under performing economy,' he added. He said what he is his going through is not different from other people. "Our fate is no different to the rest. We will continue to work quietly to find amicable solutions through various stakeholders including the CCMA, Department of Labour and other institutions,' he concluded.

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