Former President and world-renowned statesman Nelson Mandela's grandchild was arrested for car hijacking and possession of an unlicensed firearm this morning. Mandela's grandchild and four other suspects, who include a woman, had allegedly hijacked a man off his white Toyota Corolla at gunpoint in the busy street of Louis Botha Avenue, in Oaklands, north of Jozi.
Johannesburg Metropolitan Police Department (JMPD) Spokesperson Xolani Fihla said the five suspects will be charged with car hijacking and possession of unlicensed firearms. Fihla said the victim did not get hurt during the hijacking and he opened a case with the SA Police Service in Vosloorus, Ekurhuleni. The five suspects were arrested at the house of former President Mandela in Houghton.
Fihla confirmed that one of those arrested is allegedly Mandela's grandchild. Fihla added that the female suspect, charged with the other four suspects, allegedly rented the Mandela property. After hearing of her cousin's arrest, one of Mandela's granddaughters, Ndileka Mandela posted on her Facebook timeline: "There's a saying: You can't choose your family. It's really unfortunate xa uzelwe nezikitso (lunatics)."Some of her followers were sympathetic to the arrest of her relative, while others were mocking her that they were benefitting through the Mandela surname. In May 2022, another Mandela grandson, Mbuso Mandela was arrested in Morningside, Sandton, for the possession of an unlicensed firearm and drugs after a raid of his apartment. In 2015, Mbuso was granted bail of R7000 after he was arrested on charges of allegedly raping a 15-year-old Joburg girl. A separate case of theft was also against Mbuso by his brother, Ndaba Mandela, at Norwood police station for allegedly stealing his US dollars. Fihla said the suspects will appear in court soon on charges of hijacking.