
October 02, 2022

From alcoholic to the pulpit

Evangelist Xola Dekeda (Team Leader Evangelism) Holy Trinity Ministries International (Cape Town Branch) xdekeda@ukhatech.co/za

I personally believe that we are privileged as human beings to have an opportunity to communicate with a divine being who is God, the creator of heaven and earth.  The communication with God is through prayer and this has been established by Him through His word,which is the Bible as means of serving Him. As human beings who believe in God, we worship and praise Him through prayer and we make our requests known unto Him through this communication. When we do not pray as people, it implies we think we can handle everything on our own, but the truth is, we cannot handle anything on our without God. I have come to know and understand through experience that we need God for everything in our lives, we need Him to save us, forgive us, heal us, free us from curse of sin,  guide us, protect us, lift us above our limitations and move us into the plans and purposes  He has for us.


I have witnessed the power of prayer in my journey. God transformed my life from being an alcoholic who had no job, no hope, no future, no dignity, a person who stayed in taverns drinking seven days a week. It was through God's intervention by answering my prayers of asking deliverance and a second chance in life; I stopped drinking alcohol without going to a professional rehab centre, and at that time God had to intervene as I did not afford nor knew a place of rehab.Through prayer and fasting, I was completely free from alcohol.


Years passed and I was sober until the name of Lord was praised and glorified by everyone who knew me, I kept praying to God to be healed completely, prayed for wisdom and understanding, to be guided by Him throughout my entire life.  I managed to write and publish two books and now am busy with the third one.   The person who had no job and a well-known alcoholic is now a CEO of one the fast growing companies in the Western Cape and has made partners to operate nationally and in Africa, an Integrated security system's company. All this journey from zero to hero has been possible and victorious through the power of prayer.  


Prayer is a spiritual act and therefore powerful, it enables God to reveal our true spiritual condition, resulting in repentance and transformed life, which is exactly what I experienced in my life. I  can assure everyone God answers prayers, yes sometimes He does not answer the way we expect things to be nor by the time we want. God knows better than we do and His answers are always the best and at a perfect timing. Never give up on prayer, it is a weapon assured and a guarantee of victory. I would like to give a word of motivation by quoting:  

1  Thessalonians 5: 16-18  

'Rejoice always, PRAY CONTINUALLY, give thanks in all circumstances for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus'.  

The work of God and His power in our lives do not simply flow without an invitation through communicating with Him. God has transmitted to the people the responsibility of inviting the presence of His power through prayer. Allow me to end my motivation by telling you that, there are things God will not do on earth or our lives except in answer to prayer. The reference for my bold statement is from:  

2  Chronicles 7: 14

"If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and PRAY and seek my face, turn away from their wicked ways, THEN I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land'.  



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