July 18, 2024

Ramaphosa opens Parliament and promises economic growth and jobs

President Cyril Ramaphosa opened Parliament today
Photo: Presidency

In his address for the opening of Parliament this evening, President Cyril Ramaphosa said he asked the Speaker of the National Assembly and the Chairperson of the National Council of Provinces to convene the joint sitting to formally open Parliament on a day that is significant, Mandela Day.




 He took note of the nationwide celebration of the birth of whom he referred to as the founding father of the nation and a global icon of peace, justice and reconciliation, President Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela. "Across our country and across the world, millions of people are marking this day with deeds of service and solidarity. Through their actions, they are giving life to a fundamental truth: that we derive our humanity from the humanity of others. We are reminded on this day that we have a responsibility to each other; and that our wellbeing and our happiness cannot be separated from those of our fellow women and men. We are reminded that as we strive to progress and to prosper, we have a responsibility to ensure that no-one is left behind," the President said.





 Ramaphosa said through their votes, South Africans sent a clear message that without unity, cooperation and partnership, politicians' efforts to end poverty, unemployment and inequality will not succeed. He said that guided by this directive from the people, political parties from across the political spectrum have elected to establish a Government of National Unity (GNU). "In an act that is unprecedented in our democratic history, ten political parties represented here in our Parliament have agreed to craft a common programme to build a better, more equal and more just South Africa.They have come together, despite their differences, because they share a commitment to a nation that is united, prosperous and inclusive. Through a Statement of Intent, the parties have made a firm commitment to respect the Constitution and the rule of law and to promote accountability, transparency, integrity and good governance," said Ramaphosa.





 Ramaphosa also said that for a decade and a half, the country's economy had barely grown. "We are required to act together as the Government of National Unity and all key role players in our country with great urgency, boldly and decisively. The GNU has resolved to dedicate the next five years to actions that will advance three strategic priorities: Firstly, to drive inclusive growth and job creation.Secondly, to reduce poverty and tackle the high cost of living. Thirdly, to build a capable, ethical and developmental state because when our economy grows, jobs are created. When our economy contracts there is no job creation and jobs are lost," he said. He said as the GNU government, they will drive growth in labour-intensive sectors such as services, agriculture, green manufacturing and tourism.

 "To create more jobs for South Africans, we will focus on processing our minerals so that we export finished products rather than raw commodities. We are convinced that small businesses and the informal sector hold the greatest potential for inclusive growth and job creation. We will pay particular attention to supporting small- and medium-sized enterprises in townships and rural areas. We will take economic activity to where most of our people live so that more jobs can be created," Ramaphosa added.



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