February 18, 2024

Rift between Jacob Zuma and son Duduzane

Duduzane and his father Jacob Zuma in happier times

Duduzane Zuma has always been a close ally of his father, former president Jacob Zuma ,but it has emerged that they have not been seeing eye to eye since 2021. It's alleged that their relationship broke down over the Gupta brothers' scandals.


Putting a stamp that there is trouble in paradise is that Duduzane has formed his own political party called the All-Game Changers and not in support of newly formed Umkhonto WeSizwe Party, which his father introduced to South Africans in December. Zuma declared that he would not campaign for the ANC led by Cyril Ramaphosa and made it clear that he was not divorcing the ANC, but he would be campaigning for the MK Party.

Duduzane said that there is no bad blood between him and his father but blamed him for playing a role in the failed South African state of affairs. It is alleged that Duduzane has not been home since 2021 July Unrest. "Zuma is a family man and loves his family but they differ in political issues," a source said.


Speaking to ZiMoja, Duduzane said that he does not want to be associated with his father. "I'm a 41-year-old and yes I love my father and he is an icon. His legacy will always be there but I am now my own man. No one can take away the legacy my father has built," he said. Duduzane further said, "I'm not here to compete with my father. He is doing his own thing and I support him through and through. We are all about changes and we need new leadership. The young must take charge. We are not going to canvass for votes but the youth will decide."

In a latest interview with News 24, Duduzane blasted his father's leadership style. "He is one of the many people who have been part of the government. He's been one of many people," Duduzane said.

Duduzane said it was time for young people to take over the running of the government, adding that South Africans needed to change their mindsets. When sked whether he would work with the MK Party, which his twin sister Duduzile is campaigning for, Duduzane said he was willing to work with like-minded parties. "I'm not old school. I'm current. I understand the challenges and needs of today for today," Duduzane said.


One of the reasons that is alleged to have caused the rift between Duduzane and his father is his business dealings with the Guptas.

"I have no idea where they are (referring to the Guptas). I haven't seen them; I haven't spoken to them in some time. I'm on my own mission. Business was taken away. It didn't disintegrate. There were allegations and everything I worked hard at building was gone. Billions in value " he said.

Jacob Zuma Foundation spokesperson Jimmy Manyi said as the foundation.they will not be commenting on the Zuma family matters.

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