Drama king
September 20, 2022


TNS is accused of being a drama king and has since parted ways with his publicist

Producer and artist TNS has been dumped by publicist Ngcebo Mdima- again. This comes after the singer ,whose real name is Nkazimulo Ngema, did not book Charlie Communications, a firm owned by the socialite. TNS will host a one man show and has not booked the The Billionaires, a DJ duo made of Mdima and his lover Karabo Motlogelwa, which is what led to their fallout.


TNS worked with Mdima in 2019 on a track called My Dali before he dumped him to establish his company. TNS felt that Mdima was not being honest about royalties and But In 2022 they reunited. When contacted for comment Mdima  said he didn't want to get into details except to admit that it was not easy to work with TNS.                     "If you are a brand, you must respect yourself. I don't like hanging around with people with negative energy. For him not to book me has nothing to do with our working relationship,"  said the The Billionaires founder.


TNS adopted Charlie Communications after his clash with Prince Kaybee over tracks Club Controller and Banomoya, where he features Busiswa. When TNS was contacted for comment he said: "Unesicefe, meaning you are annoying, before dropping the phone

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