Close friends of the legendary actress Sophie Ndaba are angry and concerned that she lost a huge amount of money, all thanks to her ex-husband Max Lichaba allegedly. According to several sources close to Sophie, the former Generations actress was severely hit by depression after losing R1,2 million to her failed marriage that ended in 2021. But the sources maintain that the star is recovering well after coming to terms with this bad chapter of her life.
According to two reliable sources, Sophie spent R1, 2 million on renovations of KwaLichaba, a popular shisa nyama based in Orlando West in Soweto.
When the couple final filed for divorce in March 2021 ,during the Covid 19 pandemic, Lichaba apparently failed to pay back Sophie her money, which she had used in renovating the place as she thought she was investing in for their future.
The couple divorced after they had tried to rekindle their love which had broken down after the allegations that Sophie was confronted by Lichaba's nyatsi, who alerted her that Lichaba was planning on divorcing her.
"The situation Sophie finds herself in is very sad. She has been indoors for months now and only recovering from depression now. What Lichaba did to her is exactly what we call swindling these days. She swindled her of that money and . All Sophie was trying to do was to secure a bright future for both of them," the first source said.
The events that are happening explain why Sophie's son, Lwandle Ndaba released a diss track last year aimed at his stepfather. The lyrics of the song pointed to how Lichaba had put Sophie through hell in their short marriage and as a result, he hated him with a passion.
Another source said it is now the second month now that Sophie is fighting depression but is slowly making a recovery.
"She spent the most part of this year indoors and not even entertaining acting gigs. Sophie spent R1, 2 million renovating KwaLichaba as she was running it while Lichaba spent most of his time in Kimberley where he has business interests. Zimoja reached out to Sophie for comment but she blue ticked us, while all Lichaba could say was, "I know nothing about that!"