It's a few days before the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence annual campaign as it kicks off on 25 November and until 16 December. Kwanele Foundation founder Sihle Sibisi, who advocates against Gender-Based Violence and Femicide, has come forward to declare that she was sexually assaulted by a businessman and church leader at the Synagogue Church of All nations, Timothy 'Tim' Tebeila. Sihle has in her motivational talks spoken candidly about a 'Man Of God' who had violated her when she was in her youth but never mentioned his name. In a recent report, Tim Tebeila stated that he is the man being accused by Sihle but denies ever abusing her. Instead, he says that she is trying to extort money from him by accusing him of the unthinkable.

Speaking to Zimoja, Sihle says extortion couldn't be far from the truth and that she is older now, she is ready to voice out to help other women like her who fell victim to rape. "Mr. Tim Tebeila violated me sexually in my youth,' she says. "Then he decided to run to the media and use the media as a weapon to try and silence me. It's a sad state of affairs that men with power, men dressed in suits who are politically connected and financially powerful will resort to silencing victims through media.' Sihle says her story has never been hidden. "Those who know me, know that I have never been silent about the victimisation and abuse that I endured from my youth at the hands of pastors, the church, and the religious sector,' she says. "Mr. Tim Tebeila is one of the men who were very close to TB Joshua from the Synagogue Church of All Nations. I have spoken out before about the abuse, I was subjected to while staying at the Synagogue Church of All Nations. I did state that I was one of the girls that were violated, and I never mentioned names of the men who violated me at the Synagogue church and in his Cape Town apartment, multiple times and not once.'
Sihle says she has confronted the businessman and church leader. "I confronted my perpetrator, Mr. Tim Tebeila. I then texted him that I am provoked and reminded of the sexual abuse and rape I endured. I was younger then and had no voice, but now I am on a journey of finding healing and closure from certain ills that were done toward me in my youth.' She denies extorting money from him or anyone. "He says that I am extorting funds and demanding an apology. This is not true and horribly, not true,' she says. "Those close to me and our legal team have not only seen, but heard, the conversation between me and Mr. Tim Tebeila where I continuously say to him when he asks what I want and I say, I want nothing but him to acknowledge that you raped and sexually violated me. All I want is an apology,'she says. "I am shocked that he claims extortion. He also claims that he opened a protection order and a case of extortion on 14 November 2022. On 18 November, he tried to video call me twice, but I never responded. The police never tried to contact me. I am highly confused that at what level a man in a suit with powerful connections will go to try and silence me,' she adds.
Sihle says she is saddened that with GBV being one of the biggest pandemics in South Africa and she will not be silenced."Our president signed into law that cases of rape no longer have a period of 20 years, a crime is a crime and If one has done a crime, you need to speak about it. How many women have been sexually violated by men in power but have not had the power to speak out? Enough is enough.' Tim tells Zimoja that a case of extortion against Sihle has been opened. "I don't wish to comment further on the matter, but a criminal case of extortion has been opened. She has caused enough damage; the law must just take its course.'