He had the time of his life at the Metro FM Awards held in Mbombela on 6 May 2023, he attended the main ceremony and later the glamorous after-party. Reality TV star Tebogo Ramokgadi took a road trip with friend Michelle Modika, the sister of reality TV star Eva Modika. They sang road songs and had customised outfits made for the big event. Little did they know that on their way back, a tragic accident would happen.
Tebogo tells ZiMoja that he is traumatised by the car accident. "I am beyond traumatised,' he says. "After such an amazing night of celebrating, partying, and catching up with old friends and networking, this had to happen,' he says. Teboho and Michelle were driving back and were on the N12 highway when the car hit them. "It was a French couple that hit us from the back,' he says.
The two of them left Mbombela on Sunday morning and the accident happened around noon. "We were driving on the highway when a car hit us and the car rolled a few times. They are from France and were here on holiday. I think they were not used to driving on the left,' he says, adding, "Everything happened so quickly. There was a moment when I blacked out and gained consciousness again. I really don't know how we made it out alive.' Tebogo says he had small minor scratches and Michelle injured her head and buttocks. "She is currently getting medical attention in hospital. I am shocked we came out alive. I feel like, I escaped death because the car is a complete write-off.'