February 13, 2023

“I hurt her many times” ?" A look back at Tibz and Tshepi Vundla's toxic love affair

Tshepi Vundla has since moved on and is now married to Jr.

She recently celebrated her traditional wedding to IDOLS judge Thabo ' Jr' Bogopa. Influencer Tshepi Vundla and the father of her two children had been together for a few years before deciding to seal the deal.


Before her relationship with Jr, Tshepi dated late chef and businessman Tebello 'Tibz' Motsoane who was recently gunned down outside a restaurant on Florida Road in Durban. Tibz who was with popular rapper and long-time friend Kiernan 'AKA' Forbes died on the scene of the crime on Friday evening. The police reported that two suspects crossed the road and approached the friends and shot them at close range.


A few years ago, influencer, Tshepi revealed that she was in an abusive relationship with her ex-boyfriend Tibz, after her social media followers kept probing. She finally spoke up and said the businessman was "physically abusive.' This came after her Twitter follower Sfiso Mthethwa confessed to not standing up to his friend who had been abusive to his girlfriend. "His name is Tebello Eugene Motsoane aka Tibz,' she said naming him. Tibz later denied that he ever physically abused Tshepi but admitted to being emotionally and mentally manipulative. "For years I was in a toxic and public relationship with Tshepi Vundla. In this relationship,' he said. "I realise that I was abusive, but never ever physically. Through my disrespect, I hurt her many times and that is emotional and mental abuse,' he added. "Because of the climate in the country, I didn't want to do this and whether or not it makes me look weak, I'm ready to state that Tshepi Vundla used to physically abuse me. I've been slapped, scratched, pushed, sworn at and had my mother sworn at. Never have I retaliated," he continued. "This has happened inside Cocoon, outside Taboo, at her mother's house and in the parking lot at The Sands. Witnesses have been my friends, her friends, her mother, her sister, her brother in-law, promoters, bouncers and strangers. Never have I hit her,' he adds. "To my knowledge, Tshepi has never said that I hit hit... but hasn't corrected those who believe that I have. I have lost friends, income and respect... but I carried on with life. I am being honest about what I now know to be psychological abuse, however she was my physical abuse. I do not know if things like polygraph/lie-detector tests are even a real thing... but I will gladly take one. We all have our truth, this is mine.'


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