He had just delivered a heated performance at Somizi Mhlongo's Golden Jubilee event in Sun City and was making his way to another event in the Vaal. Singer and songwriter Vusi Nova, a friend, and two bodyguards were on the road driving back from North West when they had a car accident with a police van at around 22:15.

According to a witness who attended to the scene to help. "A police van made a U-turn on the highway by a curve causing the crash to happen,' he says. "Vusi's Land Rover is a complete write-off. I am not sure about the police van. Luckily everyone is okay. The police officer had to be rushed to the hospital and the bodyguard's eye was badly hurt.' The witness says, "Vusi and the other have minor injuries on the bodies, scratches, and bumps on the leg which they had checked out by the paramedics who arrived on the scene.'

Vusi's management team confirms that the accident indeed happened but cannot share the details as yet. "But Vusi and the team are okay, and everyone will be okay. The Asiphelelanga singer tells ZiMoja that he needs a bit of rest before he can share the full details of the accident. "I will update everyone. I am just grateful to be alive. God has given me another chance. I just need to get some rest for now.'