Former radio personality Zukiswa "Zookey Zarling' Vutela made damning allegations about the father of her teenage daughter. She accused actor Khumbulani 'Kay' Sibiya' of raping her, leading to.their child being conceived and how that threatened her life. In lengthy posts on social media, which include a video, voice notes, and snaps, Zookey detailed how Kay allegedly slept with her "forcefully thinking that she is drunk.". "This is my story and the truth about my daughter Zia-Mia, how I was raped then she was conceived,' she said. "I've been quiet about it for the longest time, and how he was sent to kill me. First, he drugged and raped me, then when I woke up, found an expired condom inside of me. So now I do not care even if they try again to kill me when I tell my story,' she continued.
Zookey says she has never been married to Kay and that she never denied him a paternity test. She said that she met his parents and offered to show them her daughter. Zookey also said that her second-born child, out of the three she has, is with music executive Don Laka and they have a healthy co-parenting relationship unlike that of Kay. Following a spate of social media posts and articles in the media, Kay has since released a statement denying the rape ever happened and that the information shared by Zookey may be seen by her daughter as it will live on the internet for a long time to come. "I have noted the malicious and defaming utterances that have been made by Ms. Z Vuthela on social media, implicating my name. Serious accusations of rape and assault have been made against me by the mother of my first born child. Her blog post was a false statement,' Kay says. "The truth is, I did not rape nor assault Zukiswa "Zookey Zarling' Vuthela at any time.' Kay goes on to reflect on the cases of GBV in South Africa.
In 2019, Kay and his girlfriend Judie Kama welcomed a baby boy.He says the rape allegations have changed his family dynamic for the worst."Finding out on social media that I was accused of rape and assault has terribly uprooted my small family,' he says. "Among these are lies told about my parents, who attempted to interfere when the tale was published online. My mother was mistreated further and was a target of manipulation.' Kay adds that his mother and current partner, Judie, have been nothing but supportive of Zookey. "I've never denied being the father of my own child. We welcomed my daughter into our blended family in 2019 when she lived with us because her mother was unable to care for her.' Kay adds that he has opened a case of defamation, false accusation, and kidnapping against Zookey. "The warrant officer has been attempting to locate Miss Z Vuthela in relation to the current situation, but she is currently untraceable.'