June 09, 2023

The fight between Drip Footwear owner and estranged wife turns ugly

Lekau Sehoana is embroiled in a bitter fight with his estranged wife

The war between Drip Footwear CEO and founder Lekau Freddy Sehoana and his estranged wife Lebogang Machaba is far from over. New shocking details behind their bitter split reveal that things are still going to get unpleasant.


According to a source close to Lebogang, she was recently admitted to hospital and she is currently on chronic medication due to depression and anxiety. The concerned friend tells ZiMoja that Lebogang who now stays in a townhouse in Midrand, is not coping with the separation and has tried to reason with her soon-to-be ex-husband, but he will not budge. The source says the pair are not on speaking terms even their family elders have given up.


ZiMoja can reveal that both families tried to intervene when the two started fighting. When Lekau was told that he was in the wrong and needed to work on his marriage, he chased all the family members out of his house including his own uncles. "We have never seen anything like that, the Lekau we know would have never done anything like that, it is true that money changes people," adds the source.


Accordingly to the source, Lebogang who has one child with the businessman did not get to enjoy their success as soon as the money started rolling in. "He has changed. He even kicked her out of their house in Fourways. I guess because she did not fit in his new lifestyle with celebrity friends." The insider also alleges that Lekau started cheating on his wife when he started making money. "Remember, these people have been together before money and fame and now treats her like a fan," adds the source.


The couple is said to have started on an amicable note when they went their separate ways but things changed as soon as Lekau was supposed to sign off some of his assets to Lebogang whom he paid lobola for. "She was supposed to get about four stores, a house, and cash, amongst other things but he changed tune and wanted to give her whatever he felt she deserved which was next to nothing considering the fact she was also part of the business," adds the source. The source added that things are so bad that the couple’s child was forced to drop out of kindergarten because Lekau does not pay the school fees and Lebogang cannot afford to.


The fight over who gets what is said to be so serious that the businessman opened a case of extortion against his wife at the Midrand police station in April. Gauteng police spokesperson Colonel Mavela Masondo confirmed that the police are investigating the matter. Not to be outdone, Lebogang also allegedly tried to get the businessman arrested when she unleashed the police on him about two weeks ago. A source says Lebogang is not worried about not getting a cent out of the business, but says she knows she will benefit since she was behind the success of the business. The source says it is not only the money and shares the couple is fighting over, but several properties that they own. "Lekau and Lebogang are married in community of property. Lebogang used to support him financially while he was hustling to break into the fashion industry. "Lekau is overseas at the moment, and behaving as if he is the only brain behind Drip. When the dust has settled, he will regret isolating Lebogang since he wants to take the credit and all the money they made together," says the source.


Speaking to ZiMoja to give his side of the story, Lekau says Lebogang is in a relationship and he doesn’t need to be in her business. He accused her of threatening him with the media since the beginning of this year. �"I was told she is going to destroy me. I take care of Lebogang Machaba. I send her R50 000 every month. She stays under my roof in Waterfall Estates, she’s under my medical aid. I bought her a BMW X6M Sports for R2 Million. I don’t bother that person with anything," Lekau says. "She brings nothing but drama into my life. They are trying to extort money from me because they say they will destroy me? It’s not fair. I’m tired of this lady. Also, ask her for proof that she was in the hospital. I will check the medical reports. Lying to the media to destroy me? That’s not nice." Lekau also refuted claims that he was not paying his son’s school fees. �"I will send you emails about my son’s school fees. I will also send you the cancellation of school I made after paying school fees for eight months without my son going to school and on top of that, I am being denied access to my son,” he says.


Lekau disputed Lebogang’s claims that they are married in community of property. He told ZiMoja that when they got married, he was broke, while Lebogang was working. �"We are married out of community of property. This person ill-treated me at my lowest. As soon as I started making money, things changed. We stayed but the marriage didn’t work out and I moved out,” he says, adding that they agreed on divorce but that she ran away. �"She is a divorce fugitive. The Sheriffs tried sending her summons eight times but she changed numbers 100 times," Lekau concludes.


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