June 15, 2024

Sins of the past haunting Muvhango actor

Hangwani Ramakuela says he is ready to take a second DNA test

What turned out to be a hook-up has become a nightmare for Hangwani Ramakuwela, who plays Mulalo on SABC 2 drama Muvhango. This is after a lady who once accused him of fathering her child has resurfaced again, accusing the actor of being a dead-beat father. 


Over the weekend, Ramakuwela posted a picture with his daughter and his ex, who cannot be named to protect the identity of her underage child, commented on the photo, accusing him of being an absent father to her now 17-year-old son. Speaking ZiMoja, Ramakuwela says he thought the matter was behind him after he was proven to not have fathered the woman's son. "I never thought in a million years that someone would go on my social media page and accuse me of neglecting a child," says the bemused actor. Ramakuwela said the drama started when he hooked up with the lady those years ago. "She is someone I knew when we were both young. We used to do community theatre together," he explained


In 2012, however, the woman reappeared with a five-year-old boy, claiming that Ramakuwela was the father. "I informed my family, who suggested that we undergo paternity tests. She agreed, and we went to Lancet Laboratory in Polokwane for DNA testing," he recounted. Ramakuwela revealed that he personally collected the results since the woman claimed to be occupied with other commitments. "She gave me the go-ahead to collect them as she was busy. The results came back negative, confirming that I am not the father of her son," he explained. He added that after informing her about the results, the mother did not take the news kindly. "She accused me of deceit, manipulation and bribery, alleging that I had influenced the lab officials to alter the results. I was taken aback by her accusations, but I assured her that I was willing to undergo testing at any laboratory of her choice for a second round. However, I never heard from her again until this week when I posted a picture of me and my daughter," he revealed.


Ramakuwela told ZiMoja that the comment became a trending topic and that he has never felt so much hatred from his followers who believed the lady. "Everyone now believes that I am a useless father who is running away from his responsibilities. It is hurtful," he said. He said for the past three days, he has been trying to convince the woman to let him take another test with the child and even offered to pay again but alleges she refused the offer. "I feel sorry for the young boy who has been exposed to false accusations and negativity about me. I can't imagine what he must be going through, knowing that his well-known father refuses to acknowledge him. Every boy his age deserves a father figure. I am even willing to undergo a public DNA test. I hope the mother can grant us (him and the boy) closure," he continued. When contacted for a statement, the mother declined to comment. "I don't want to talk about this, can I be left alone please," she said

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