The lives of legendary singers Victor "Doc Shebeleza" Bogopane and Winnie Khumalo's were celebrated at two different memorial services in Johannesburg today. The two singers both died last week, aged 51, after suffering from undisclosed illnesses. Friends, fans, relatives and industry colleagues gathered to celebrate the colourful life of Winnie Khumalo at the Market Theatre earlier while Doc Shebeleza was remembered at the SABC's M1 studios in Auckland Park.
Winnie, who was well known for her famous song, Live My Life, passed away on Tuesday, 7 January, following a brief illness. Winnie's only daughter, Rethabile, who managed to hold back her tears, sang one tribute song with her brother Ntando as a tribute to their late mother. Winnie's former boss, Oskido, advised Rethabile to pay off her mother's house with the money they received as donations. He told the audience that Winnie was smart when she spent most of her money on her beautiful house in Soweto, which he said was only left with R50,000 to settle the bond. "As you see, there are a lot of contributions today; go and pay off your mother's house," Oskido said. Flamboyant TV personality Somizi Mhlongo described Winnie as drama-free and pure. "I am sure journalists are mad right now because there is no drama and she was not a drinker," he said.
During Doc Shebeleza's memorial service, speaker after speaker described Doc Shebeleza as a true friend who served the people of South Africa through his non-profit organisation, AMAHA (African Musicians Against HIV/AIDS). Former SABC spokesperson and friend Kaizer Kganyago described Doc Shebeleza as someone passionate about helping the underprivileged. He said he came to him when he was still employed by the SABC and said he needed the public broadcaster's support in the work he was doing for AMAHA. "We went from village to village giving people houses, wheelchairs and food. He was always in charge of everything; he made sure food was there because he understood he was the servant of the people,' Kganyago said. Cassper Nyovest also performed his popular song Doc Shebeleza at the memorial service and the late singer's family joined him on stage. Both Winnie and Shebeleza will be buried this weekend.