January 08, 2024

Women's awards suspend TV personality after sexist remarks

Kininonke Shandu

Sebenza Women's Awards co-founder has been suspended and disciplined for putting the awards into disrepute. The actor and TV presenter Kini Shandu came under fire when he made remarks that mothers who have babies out of wedlock should leave them at home when they get married.


In a statement, the Sebenza Women Awards Disciplinary Committee said it has noted with great caution and interest the views expressed through social media and other communication platforms by those who are directly and indirectly affected by the actions of Shandu. The committee further expressed its disappointment with how things have turned out and how it has impacted the brand and image of the Sebenza Women's Awards. As a result, they took action against Shandu. The statement further said the committee has resolved that Shandu will be treated as a first-time offender for bringing the name of the Sebenza Women's Awards into disrepute. However, the statement mentioned that Shandu now has a disciplinary file against him and will be cancelled only this year from participating in the Sebenza Women's Awards. 

In addition, the committee added that Shandu will not deliver the Chairman's Report, he will not be the face of the awards and he will not be allowed to speak to or address the media on any matters relating to the Sebenza Women's Awards and he will not even hand over an award. The statement added that Shandu will be replaced by another executive member until his suspension has lapsed, meaning he will only participate in the Sebenza Women Awards of 2025. Furthermore, he is forbidden from posting anything on his personal social media pages for the next seven days.


According to the statement, he has also been called to take down all the posts he wrote and shared on his page degrading, insulting, undermining and shaming women, children and men. "He will also buy school stationery and sanitary pads for school kids and donate those and he will issue a 30-second apology live video to women, children, men,and stakeholders who have been displeased by his conduct and will use his own money to purchase these and cannot use the name of the Sebenza Women's Awards to seek for donations or support. Finally, Shandu will be permanently cancelled and fired from the Sebenza Women's Awards should he be found to have repeated the same offence or done worse, the committee," the statement read.


Kini has since issued a statement apologising for his utterances. He said,though, he made the statement jokingly, he acknowledged that the comment was distasteful, indefensible and reflected poor judgement on his part. "To all women and anyone offended by my remarks, I extend my heartfelt apology. I understand the gravity of the impact words can have and I take full responsibility for the distress my words may have caused.

Critically, it is important to clarify that the statement in question does not align with my genuine beliefs, the utmost respect that I have for wome and my commitment to the promotion of their rights and empowerment. I understand how my words may paint a contrasting picture and I am truly regretful for any contradiction and disappointment this may have caused," he said. He added that the experience has been a humbling reminder of the responsibility everyone bears with their words, even in a humorous manner. "I am committed to learning from this mistake and ensuring that my future actions reflect a greater sensitivity and respect for others,"

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