The new upcoming series titled Mpondoland being shot by Origins Pictures is based on the heritage and history of AmaMpondo people. The show is set to star seasoned actress Tina Jaxa, Anele Mtoti, Siziphiwe Maqubela, and Luzoko Nqeto to name a few. However, the AmaMpondo Royal House has allegedly not been consulted prior to the scripting and shooting of the show and they have distanced themselves from the production.
The royal family has expressed their concerns about the accuracy of the content of the show. Speaking on behalf of the royal house, Prince Mbasa Sigcau said: "We were recently made aware of the show through the media- we were never consulted on the scripting and the accuracy of the information being shared on the show. We are definitely skeptical and very concerned that production will go ahead with a historic show without consulting us,' he said.
Prince Sigcau shared a brief list of the concerns. "Secondly, we are worried about the language as the cast does not seem to speak isiMpondo which could possibly dilute the history and culture.' Chumisa Cosa working on the show had not responded to queries at the time of publishing.