December 11, 2024

Pay or else...

Rand Water warns municipalities to pay debt or face cut off

Rand Water has threatened to cut the water supply to municipalities if they don't settle the R7.7 billion debt owed to them. The utility, that has imposed several water restrictions in Gauteng, said the province's municipalities consumption of water is above the threshold of its license.


Rand Water supplies bulk potable water to Gauteng municipalities, including its three metros, the City of Jourg, Tshwane, and Ekurhuleni and a few other municipalities in North West and Free State. Rand Water's chief operating officer, Mahlomula Mehlo, said the utility only generates income from what it charges to municipalities. "We are still seeing huge non-payments which are driving our debtors' days in the wrong direction, and we always stress the point that if Rand Water is not paid, Rand Water will close the shop. If Rand Water closes shop, there won't be any water or anybody to complain to about the lack of water supply," the utility said in a statement.  


The bulk water supply utility said it has a permanent license from the National Department of Water to collect 1,600 million cubic meters of water from the integrated Vaal River system. The statement went on to say that about 77% of the raw water supplied by Rand Water goes to the three Gauteng metros. "That in itself says we need to move our permanent license from 1,600 to 1,800. However, we know the Lesotho phase 2 project has been delayed and we are still anticipating there will be some acceleration that takes place there. The department has done a responsible thing and said until you have dealt with those leaks and losses, please don't come back to us and ask for more water. As it were Rand Water has no more water to abstract and purify, that's it. We have reached the ceiling in terms of the license and what the catchment can provide," the statement said.

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