Gauteng police have confirmed the arrest of five suspects in connection with the kidnapping of a nine-year-old boy. The boy has since been rescued by the the police in collaboration with private security companies in Laudium, Pretoria.
Police spokesperson Colonel Mavela Masondo said the parents of the victim are Afghan nationals.
?The victim was abducted from the home of his father's friend in Laudium on Tuesday, 21 January 2025. The suspects contacted the family, demanding a ransom for his safe return.A multidisciplinary task team was swiftly assembled and a search ensued.?
Masondo said the breakthrough came on Friday, 24 January when officers traced a vehicle linked to the crime and arrested two suspects.
"The suspects then led our officers to a house in Danville, Pretoria, where the kidnapped child was found and two additional suspects were apprehended," said Masondo.
Masondo said further investigations resulted in the arrest of a fifth suspect, who is reportedly known to the family.
?Authorities also discovered an unlicensed firearm at the scene and confirmed that the suspects were in the country illegally. The child was taken to a medical facility for observation before being safely reunited with his family.?
All five suspects are foreign nationals from Pakistan and Afghanistan. ?The suspects face charges of kidnapping and possession of an unlicensed firearm and ammunition. They are expected to appear before the Atteridgeville Magistrate's Court tomorrow.?