September 18, 2024

Prophet Mboro claims he knows who's behind his downfall

Pator Mboro said he has learnt a valuable lesson from his arrest

Likening himself to Jesus Christ in the Bible, the famous yet controversial Pastor Paseka "Mboro" Motsoeneng said he spent 40 days and nights in jail and he was being tested. After being released on bail last week, the self-proclaimed prophet said he will definitely be pressing charges against those who crucified him.


Today he addressed the media outside his home in Katlehong on the East Rand. He told reporters that he knows the people who are behind his downfall, including police, the deputy principal, an organised crime syndicate called Skepe and government officials. "I know the people who are behind my arrest. They must be brought to justice," he added.



Mboro said he is no longer bitter as he has prayed and forgave those who crucified him, including the community and the schoolchildren who burnt down his church because they were under a spell. He offered R5 000 reward for the name of the person who burnt down his church. He said he is going this way so he can heal those who burnt down his church, and they need to answer. He told members of the media that the damage is more than a million Rand. He also added that the church sound was destroyed, including furniture and music equipment ranging from guitars to pianos. "I know R5 000 is small compared to the damage they caused, but I want to know who started the fire so that I can heal them through the word, but if they are not willing, they will have to go through justice. Someone has to take accountability," he said.


Mboro insinuated that there were also other religious leaders who were involved because they are jealous of the work he does and the fact that he is popular. He also blamed them for using his situation to propel their own agendas. He said the old cases were brought up and also believes that government officials wanted to teach him a lesson. "We need reconciliation with all the people that were involved, from the school, community, and other faith leaders. I am a man of God, and I don't hold any grudges angainst everyone who was involved. I don't believe in revenge. Faith leaders also need to repent because religion has shifted from being a religion to becoming a business. Because I have performed miracles from healing people, most faith leaders are behind my arrest. I am loved by everyone, so they are fighting me for that." 


He said he doesn't regret fighting for his grandchildren, as any grandfather would have done the same, however, his approach was wrong. "There was no kidnapping. You can't keep kids for a month and claim they are yours. The same kids they said I kidnapped are here with me; my son was brutally beaten; I don't regret rescuing him," he added. He said he is glad that this happened because it has taught him a valuable lesson, which is to walk away from conflict. "I have learnt to pray more, fight a good fight, and to slice them with the word and forgive more, worship more, and pray more." He also said there is peace in walking away from such situations because you will regret it later. 

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