August 25, 2023

Tshisa mpama!

Ngizwe Mchunu lost his temper when Sabelo Ngema approached him
Picture: Supplied

He has put his foot in it again. Former Ukhozi FM broadcaster Ngizwe Mchunu was arrested in 2021 and accused of inciting violence linked to the July unrest and breaching the Disaster Management Act. He once lashed out at President Cyril Ramaphosa and Eskom due to the loadshedding saga in South Africa. Ngizwe is no stranger to disputes and rubbing people up the wrong way. This year, he labelled DJ Mthokozizi "Tira" Khathi a dog, a fraud and a liar who is on drugs. He has gotten himself into more trouble after slapping fellow artist Sabelo Ngema.




Sabelo, who works at Nuz Group Media and is the General secretary for Umlazi Township Tourism was allegedly attacked by Ngizwe at the VIP section of the Impucuzeko Maskandi Festival in front of guests, recently.

Sabelo Ngema Picture: Facebook


According to a source who wishes to remain anonymous for fear of intimidation, Sabelo approached Ngizwe and greeted him. "We were all sitting there, he went on and kneeled, and extended his hand to greet him. The next thing, we saw him get slapped." The source did not hear the nature of their conversation but says it turned violent in a split second. "Everything happened so fast. Sabelo did not fight back but was shocked. People blocked the fight before it could happen, but I don’t think he would fight back because he looked shocked."

Despite making the effort to reach Sabelo to tell his side of the story. He has not availed himself for comment. Ngizwe dropped the phone when hearing the call was about the assault.

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