June 15, 2024

NFP Secretary General dumped the party for joining the GNU

Canaan Mdletshe has bid the NFP farewell after going into bed with the GNU

Just a day after the National Freedom Party (NFP) announced that they are joining the newly formed Government of National Unity (GNU), SG Canaan Mdletshe resigned yesterday morning.


The decision by Mdletshe to resign comes after party President Irvan Barnes decided to join GNU with their one seat to award the premiership position to Inkatha Freedom Party. Mdletshe felt that for the NFP to go into working relationship with ANC, DA and the IFP was unfair to their supporters. "Following the pronouncement by the National Freedom Party that it is forming a coalition government with the ANC, IFP and the DA in KwaZulu-Natal, I have consciously tendered my resignation with immediate effect. My conscience would not allow me to be part of a grouping that is hellbent at clinging into power against the will and the aspirations of the people of KwaZulu-Natal," he said. Mdletshe said that the voters rejected the DA, ANC and IFP through voting. "Through their actions, the voters in KZN rejected the ANC, reducing it into a mere shadow in the broader political spectrum in the province. I therefore cannot watch when thirst for power clouds judgement and takes centre stage at the expense of morality. I am not a sellout and I will never betray South Africans merely because I've been promised positions."


He added that since becoming actively involved in politics, he has never undermined the people, their wishes and aspirations. "I've got no intentions of starting now. I have been loyal to the organisation and its founding principles. As I leave the NFP, I am proud of my track record which speaks volumes," he said. On Monday, Barnes told the media that Mdletshe was barred from speaking for the party. "We wish to inform the media and members of the public that only myself, as the President of the NFP, have the responsibility to speak about negotiations after consultation with the leadership collective," he said. Barnes was sworn in as a new member of the KZN Legislature yesterday.

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