September 30, 2023

Mamelodi businessman shot and killed for refusing to pay a protection fee

Businessman Kevin Shaba

Businessman Kevin Shaba was shot and killed in a hail of bullets at his home in Mamelodi West in Pretoria. This comes less than a year since his two other brothers were killed, allegedly for over the same issue. Shaba was murdered while dropping off his work machines at his home on Thursday night.


ZiMoja understands that Shaba's two brothers, whom he co-owned the business with, were killed in October last year over the same issue. The brothers Ivan and Mandla were allegedly killed in front of their elderly mother who suffered a stroke soon after the double tragedy. ZiMoja understands that the three brothers were eliminated after they refused to pay a fee to the notorious group called Boko Haram. Last year October, it is alleged that three brothers who own a bricks and plastering company were approached by the notorious group to pay the money in order for them to continue operating their business around the area. ZiMoja understands that Shaba was the key witness in the case involving his brothers' murder investigation.


A prominent businessman in the area, who didn't want to be named, said that the two brothers who were murdered last year had moved out of Mamelodi because of the threats from Boko Haram. "They were warned to stop operating in the area or to make way for someone who was willing to pay. They persisted and they were killed. This is so scary and no one is doing anything about it. They tell you that it's either you pay the fee, quit or they kill you," the source said. "Kevin's mother passed away in June after she fell ill last year October when the gang killed her sons in front of her. She suffered when she saw her two sons' assassinated in front of her. That trauma did not go away," the source said.

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