May 23, 2024

Leaked local sex tape goes international

Estranged couple Gcinile Twala and Grootman's leaked sex tape has been picked by porn sites

Mzansi estranged 'IT' couple, Themba 'Grootman' Selahle and social media influencer, Gcinile Twala are officially porn stars. This comes after international porn sites such Pornhub and other leading pornsites such as XXvideos picked up their sex tape for free.


The couple has been trending for days on social media after their sex tape was leaked, allegedly by Grootman allegedly as ,"revenge porn" - which is an offence in South Africa. The much talked about sex tape that surfaced earlier this week on socials has angered many social media users who suspect a classic case of revenge porn was at play by Grootman who is a well-known forex trader. If that is the case, Grootman could be in trouble and face up to three years of jail time if found guilty of Cybercrimes Act. 


A source said Gcinile is terrified and the fact that local and international porn websites such as Mzansi Fun have already picked up her video which means it is something she will have to stay with for the rest of her life. Another source close to her said she is already carrying the cross of shame, prejudice and judgement from South Africans, who have been crucifying her since the ordeal became public. "More than anything, she feels bad about putting her family through such shame. On top of that, my friend will be known by international and local porn websites for something that was meant to be private," said the source. The source added that she knew the sex tape was going to be viral at some point after she dumped Grootman. There was nothing he could use to control her anymore except for the tape. The source added that Gcinile was done being in a relationship where she was controlled for material things. When all his attempts to get back with her failed, suddenly their sex tape was leaked. Grootman is definitely enjoying the attention he is getting," said a friend of the couple.


An organisation advocating against GBV and femicide in SA, Women For Change, confirmed that they have taken legal action against Grootman. In a statement shared on X, Women for Change asked the public not to try and engage with Gcinile on social media as all her accounts were deactivated. "Do not engage with any content from Grootman. Instead, report his account! We need to stop giving him attention. Narcissistic men adore attention. Do not engage. Gci is safe, and she is taking legal steps. We are getting support from the Film and Publication Board (Content Regulatory Authority of South Africa), and the matter will be handled the way it should be, legally and in court. The most important thing is to keep Gci, her child and her family safe and get justice for them. We will not share more details for now.' the NPO said. When called for comment Gcinile declined to comment. "I have no answers for now," she said. Grootman could not be reached for comment.

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