Her brand is opulent and oozes luxury. Influencer Kefilwe Mabote is known for sharing content using only the most expensive brands, some she is said to have purchased on her own. To mark a generous start to the year, Kefilwe is having what she calls a Closet giveaway of her luxury items to those she deems deserving.
"If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven' the bible reads, and that is exactly what the influencer, Kefiloe is doing.' New Season, New Beginnings,' she said. "To celebrate the new season, I'm giving away my gently used items from my closet to my lovely followers," she said. To participate in the giveaways, her fans need to share their details and selection is at her own discretion. "This giveaway is not for people I know personally, so please refrain from requesting items for me to give to you instead of my followers. No comments or public declarations are needed! I respect your privacy, and we'll keep the details between us in our DM. In the Kingdom of the Lord, we're all winners! May this giveaway be a blessing to you. Happy new season, everyone!'
Her friends told ZiMoja that Kefilwe has always had a generous streak to her. "She's definitely a giver. But she is being intentional now. Give you shall receive is the motto,' the friend says. "She wants to start the year by not holding onto old items that she doesn't need and rather giving them away,' a friend said. Kefilwe told ZiMoja, that she has always been a believer and spiritual person. "I just want to start on a clean slate. I am not just giving away things I don't need, but items of value that are still in good condition. I wouldn't give away bad quality items,' she said. "I want to start the year by just renewing my faith.'