June 17, 2024

Investigating Directorate denies reports of Gwede Mantashe's arrest

Investigating Directorate has dismissed claims of a looming arrest for Gwede Mantashe

The Investigating Directorate (ID) has distanced itself from reports that Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy Gwede Mantashe will be arrested soon. The reports further claim that the looming arrest is in connection to security upgrades at two of his properties by Bosasa.


Referring to the reports over the weekend, ID spokesperson Henry Mamothame, said the Directorate does not comment on its investigations. "The ID has not been decided nor discussed 'the imminent arrest' of Mr Mantashe. It is unclear where these comments come from, but they are not from the ID."


He said the ID would continue to do its work without fear or favour. "We urge to be given space to discharge our mandate without any unnecessary and unwarranted speculations and will do so without any fear, favour or prejudice," Mamothame said. In 2022, the chairperson of the State Capture Commission Chief Justice Raymond Zondo instructed that Mantashe be investigated following the release of the report. Mantashe at the time responded to news of his investigation by saying, "The report itself says there is no prima facie case. That is why they have referred it for further investigation because there is a reasonable prospect that further investigation will uncover prima facie evidence. That case is not there now."

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