May 20, 2024

Former Idols SA star accuses Prince Kaybee of stealing his song

Prince Kaybee denies using Botlhale Phora's song

Former Idols contestant Botlhale Phora (28) is accusing producer and disc jockey, Prince Kaybee, real name Kabelo Motsamai, of stealing a song he had sent to him in 202, hoping they would work together. He said he sent the Charlotte hitmaker the song three years ago and heard a remake recently.


Botlhale said he sent him the registered track in 2021 and provided proof of the email communication. "I sent it to him in 2021 now he's using my melody without contacting me. He even blocked me on TikTok now." Botlhale told ZiMoja that Prince Kaybee blocked him on social media after he ousted him. "I heard the song on TikTok and called him out for not including me in a song I had sent him. He never responded to my email acknowledging receipt of the song, then he plays it three years later without me jumping on it - That is not fair, at least get me on the song and we work together, don't just claim it as your own, then block me."


In a social media post by Prince Kaybee,which has since been deleted, he cursed Bothlale and called him names. "Se kae s*f*b* seo (Where is that bit**), he must also show me where have I ever spoken to him and bring the evidence," Prince Kaybee said. "Botlhale, stop playing games bit**, where is the song you gave me and show me how you gave me?" Botlhale has produced the email he sent to Prince Kaybee with the address and date. After deleting the posts, Prince Kaybee also spoke up saying his intention was not to insult anyone. "I got worked up by the allegations that aren't true. I still stand by my previous stance, I don't know him. I have never received or replicated his song and I do not use that email address because I have a personal email," he said. "To address the songs, we can all hear they are two different songs, in different keys and don't even share similar chord progressions so to say I stole the song, is reaching really."

He admits that people might argue he thought of him when he did the song. "Hence it emphasises my approach and energy in making songs maybe but that's still a long shot. The song in question was produced from the same template I used to do Charlotte that's why it's the same chord progression as other songs in the same key or different. Apologies for my approach but we say a lot of things when angry and that's exactly how I felt."


In 2019, producer and DJ TNS accused Prince Kaybee of not paying him his share for the work done on the two songs. Prince Kaybee denied the allegation and shared proof of several payment transactions made to TNS. "I ensured that he got bookings through my personal network and featured him on events in order to help him build his name and career. He lived in my home for the entire year in 2018 after he told me that he had no proper shelter, clothes or money to pursue his music. I took care of his life expenses during this period and I can provide proof of the money spent on him," Prince Kaybee said at the time.

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