February 16, 2024

Fired AmaZulu king spokesperson lambasts Misuzulu for 'selling' the Zulu crown to vultures'

Brothers Prince Afrika Zulu and King Misuzulu kaZwelithini are no longer seeing eye to eye

Fired AmaZulu King spokesperson Prince Afrika Zulu has finally spoken out about his recent dismissal along the with former Ingonyama Trust chairperson Thanduyise Mzimela. The two were fired with immediate effect on Tuesday by King Misuzulu kaZwelithini.


During a press conference late yesterday at the Hilton Hotel in Durban, Zulu shared information on how the Zulu crown has been hijacked by businesspeople and politicians. Zulu, who hails from the Onkweni Royal Palace, told reporters that him and Mzimela were fired from their positions because they were seen as stumbling blocks to the people like controversial businessman Jacob Mnisi,who want to loot the land of the Zulu nation and Ingonyama Trust. "Inkosi Mzimela and I were seen as the destruction to those who have captured the Zulu monarch. While we must note that the King has the sole prerogative to appoint a Traditional Prime Minister, it goes without saying that considering the challenges his Majesty has been facing in the past, in terms of bringing unity within the royal family, it would have been wise to consult widely with the family as person he appointed.


Zulu further took a swipe at the new appointed Zulu Prime Minister and Zululand District mayor ,Thulasizwe Buthelezi. last month. "Not only is Buthelezi a politician, but he is also a person with a dubious track record. The incumbent's crooked fast tracked record which includes having been accused of several misconducts including corruption and rape. His appointment has brought great shame to the Zulu Nation," Prince Zulu said. "The incumbent is not the member of the royal family. He is not an inkosi. He is not a leader of any of the Tribal Authority nor a member of the KwaPhindangene royal family as he had initially claimed. Even the kwaPhindangene family has come out to distance themselves from his questionable lineage. It has become clear that the special cabinet is now in operation. This cabinet handles the day to day running of the crown," he said, adding that the cabinet consists of Sibongile Mdletshe from Mtubatuba, Nomzamo Myeni from Pongola, Jacob Mnisi from Mpumalanga and Joyce Tembe whom he says goes around parading as Jacob Zuma's daughter. "It was the same cabinet that appointed the new Zulu Traditional Prime Minister.


Zulu told the media that the Zulu monarch is under siege, accusing the special royal cabinet of not having any interest in the king or his wellbeing but money. "This Prime Minister has been spending morning, noon and night at the king's palace. Those who have been captured in the monarch want land and mining rights for their own benefits. Mzimela was axed because he refused to sign some dodgy deals that were going to favour Mnisi," said Zulu concluding that it was about time that the Zulu nation heeded the warnings of the late Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi and challenge Misuzulu on his decisions.

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