The ANC Youth League in KwaZulu-Natal has called for the immediate resignation of mayor Chris Pappas amid corruption allegations
They are deeply concerned and are condemning in the strongest terms the recent corruption allegations surrounding Pappas, who is a member of the DA and mayor of the Umngeni Municipality.
The Youth League said these allegations cast a dark shadow over the DA and xposes the hypocrisy that seems to plague the party.
In a statement the ANCYL said the allegations against mayor Pappas are nothing short of shocking and it has come to light that just a few weeks before the uMngeni Municipality closed for the December holidays in 2022, Pappas's fiancé's organisation received a staggering R100,000 in funding.
"This is a move that sets a troubling precedent in the history of uMngeni Municipality. This exorbitant amount far exceeds many grants given to other entities advocating for similar ventures in the region, making these allegations deeply incriminating," reads the statement.
The statement says it is disheartening that Pappas, who has often been portrayed as holier than thou in the media, has not provided a transparent and convincing explanation regarding these allegations.
"This lack of transparency only exacerbates the concerns and raises questions about the DA's commitment to fighting corruption.We also note with great concern that Mayor Chris Pappas has confirmed that Umngeni Municipality funds non-profit organisations (NPOs), including one run by his fiancé." In his recent interview on Ukhozi FM, It is said that Pappas did not deny that his fiancé?s NPO received a substantial R100,000 grant from the municipality.
"This raises serious ethical and legal questions, particularly in light of the fact that uMngeni Tourism, the NPO in question, received a grant that dwarfs the
amounts provided to other tourism entities operating within the municipality," said the ANCYL.