September 27, 2024

A heroes welcome for former struggle fighters

President Cyril Ramaphosa officiated the repatriation and restitution homecoming ceremony of struggle fighters
Photos: Presidency

President Cyril Ramaphosa officiated the repatriation and restitution homecoming ceremony of struggle fighters who passed away in exile. The remains of the struggle icons were repatriated on Wednesday from Zambia and Zimbabwe, where they passed away before the dawn of democracy. Ramaphosa said during the ceremony, held at the Freedom Park in Tshwane, that by bringing the struggle icons back home, they reinstated their citizenship.




Ramaphosa said they return them to the land of their birth and restore them to their families and their people. "Decades ago, these freedom fighters left a country that was at war with itself. They left a country in which the fundamental rights of its people were brutally and cruelly suppressed by apartheid, which was declared a crime against humanity. Today, their remains return to a free and democratic South Africa," he said. Ramaphosa said it will forever remain a source of regret that they never saw the dawn of freedom, which they dedicated their lives to. "It is fitting that we gather at Freedom Park to honour them. It is here at Freedom Park that we remember our struggle for liberation and the many men and women who fought so that we may be free. Through the reparation of the remains of these freedom fighters, we are giving further effect to the Preamble of our Constitution. In the Preamble, we are enjoined to recognise the injustices of our past and honour those who suffered for justice and freedom in our land."




Ramaphosa said as they welcome the patriots back home, they owe their everlasting gratitude to the countries that offered these freedom fighters shelter, support, and, in the end, a fitting resting place. "We are grateful in this instance to the governments and people of Zambia and Zimbabwe for having taken great care of our compatriots and for enabling their remains to be repatriated. Like other countries on our continent and in other parts of the world, they stood alongside us in our struggle for freedom. They hosted our freedom fighters and provided material assistance. These countries dedicated themselves to our cause, often at a great cost to themselves and their people. Our fallen heroes and heroines became part of these sister countries," he said. The mortal remains of the 49 liberation struggle fighters were handed over to the SANDF by both Zambian and Zimbabwean governments on Wednesday. They arrived at the military Waterkloof Air Force Base Airport on the same day. The remains have since been handed over to their families for reburial.

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